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IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing...

The IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (IEEE COLCOM) is the most important conference in Colombia which aims to show the progress and development of the academic, scientific and industrial usage of different areas of telecommunications and computing. In this version, IEEE COLCOM 2015, the main subject is “Mobility and Servicices in ICT Environments” and how communications and computing fields can allow them. The Conference will be held by Universidad del Cauca, located in Popayán (Colombia).


About IEEE:

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) is the world’s largest technical professional society. Through its more than 400,000 members in 150 countries, the organization is a leading authority on a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics. Dedicated to the advancement of technology, the IEEE publishes 30 percent of the world’s literature in the electrical and electronics engineering and computer science fields, and has developed nearly 900 active industry standards. The organization annually sponsors more than 850 conferences worldwide.

About IEEE ComSoc:

The IEEE Communications Society founded in 1952 and has over 50,000 members. It is the second largest of IEEE’s 38 technical societies. It has become the major international forum for the exchange of ideas on communications and information networking and it is a community comprised of a diverse group of industry professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications technologies. To that end, the Society sponsors publications, conferences, educational programs, local activities, and technical committees that: Foster original work in all aspects of communications science, engineering, and technology. The IEEE ComSoc Colombia Chapter is the local community of IEEE ComSoc.


About IEEE Computer:

The IEEE Computer Society is the computing professional's single, unmatched source for technology information, inspiration and collaboration. By making the most up-to-date and advanced information in the computing world easily accessible, we are the source that computing professionals trust to provide high quality, state-of-the-art information on an on-demand basis.  The IEEE Computer Colombia Chapter is the local community of IEEE Computer.

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